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Isla Fisher in Bathing Suit Says She's "Missing You" Celebwell

Isla Fisher, actress, mother of three and husband of Sacha Baron Cohen, somehow took time out of her busy schedule to enjoy some time in a bathing suit. "Missing you," she captioned it. (She could have named it after one of her movies, maybe Now You See Me, or The Beach Bum.) Read on to see 7 ways Isla Fisher stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Fisher once said she never goes to the gym. "I like to give the impression I'm trying to be fit – all the gear, no idea – that's me!" she told Balance. "I also drink lots of water, make sure I get seven hours sleep a night and eat as clean as I can." Embracing the aging process has also helped. "I've stopped having that battle," she said. "I've chosen to embrace the ageing process. I don't want to look younger, I just want to look OK for my age. Realising that has made life a lot easier."

"I gained 65 pounds with my first baby and 70 with my second. I had severe morning sickness both times, so I mostly ate supersize bowls of white pasta with loads of butter and cheese because that was the only thing that took away the nausea. I also ate late-night cornflakes, Häagen-Dazs ice cream, and scones with jam and cream," she told Fitness. "I had to shoot Confessions of a Shopaholic about three months after I gave birth to Olive, so the producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, hired a trainer to work with me three times a week. That was both inspirational and terrifying because I didn't want to let the trainer down. After I had my second daughter, I slowly lost the weight by breastfeeding, hiking Runyon Canyon, and working with a trainer every couple of weeks."

Fisher moved around a lot as a kid. "I had to make new friends all the time, so I learned how to be funny pretty quickly. I grew up with four brothers and I think it's the Australian sensibility in me that makes me think, 'I don't care whether you think it's funny, I think it's funny, so I'm going with it,'" she told Balance.

"I'm not actually very good at the maintenance thing," she admitted to People. "I don't buff, exfoliate, pluck, rinse, moisturize, suck, bleach … whatever all those women do." Instead: "I'm in the garden," she says of relaxing. "Seriously! We grow tomatoes and stuff. We keep chickens. Not for the apocalypse, but I am quite convinced that the end is nigh."

"I'm definitely not a morning person. I struggle to be happy before 11am, even though my alarm goes off at 7am," she told the Sun. "I'll take a quick shower and usually dress in workout wear in an attempt to inspire myself to exercise at some point during the day, which rarely happens." She continued: "After that, I'll wake everyone up, pack school lunches, feed the cats, find shoes and brush my children's hair. Breakfast is a flurry of making porridge and Rice Krispies. Before I head out the door, I'll make myself a latte with our fancy coffee machine."

"I eat like a seagull. Usually I'll grab whatever the other people in my house don't want, which is anything from spare carrots to nuts and leftover pasta.  I have a giant bag of cashew nuts at all times in case I need a quick snack, too. I never bother cooking just for myself – I'll send for takeout or have a meeting at a restaurant for lunch," she told the Sun. "Sacha makes an amazing tomato sauce. He crams it full of secret veggies and it's honestly better than any marinara I've ever tasted – even from Italy! If I'm cooking dinner then I like to make chicken soup, grilled fish or something child-friendly like schnitzel. If I was on death row my last meal would definitely be Thai green chicken curry."

"Scott Frank who directed me in The Lookout said that you can't have it all and you shouldn't want to. That was good advice. But the best career tip came from Naomi Watts. She said, 'It's better to have a small part in something good and work with good people than have a splashy "great" role in a bad movie,'" she told Women's Health once.
