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Rising Pop Artist Izza Creates Empowering, High-Energy Pop Music That Celebrates Being Yourself a

Whether your New Year’s Resolution is to hit the gym, get over a toxic ex, or simply become the best version of yourself, Izza confidently believes that her music is for you.

The rising pop artist has been making waves on TikTok AND consistently releasing phenomenal music (with even more on the way), putting her in the fast lane to a-list status in 2023.

When asked who she truly is as an artist, Izza revealed to Celeb Secrets in an exclusive interview, “I create empowering, high-energy pop music that celebrates being yourself and normalizes vulnerability. My goal as an artist is to inspire people to find their happiness and follow their dreams,” which is definitely the kind of music we need more of in the world.

The Los Angeles native continued and said, “I want to create music you can dance to, but it also stands for something. My escape when I was younger was listening to music by artists that made me feel good, so I hope I can be that artist for someone,” and we feel as though she is EXACTLY that for her listeners.

Izza allows fans to channel their own bad b***h energy through her music, and her hot new track “Going Rogue” is no exception.

The song dropped on all music streaming platforms this past Friday (February 10th), reminding her listeners of a VERY important message: “Don’t be afraid to go against society to pursue what you love. Be yourself and your truth will set you free.”

She even opened up about the meaning behind the track by revealing to us, “I wrote ‘Going Rogue’ when I decided to take control of my life and not be influenced anymore by the people or things around me. Finding freedom in being myself, even if that meant going against social normalcy, felt like a rebirth and allowed me to unlock my true voice.”

We are beyond proud of Izza for taking her life back into her own hands, allowing her to regain both her confidence AND overall happiness, as well as inspire her listeners to do the same.

She revealed to us, “I think realizing that my happiness is the most important thing to me made me want to do whatever I wanted. I was so sad for so long because I wasn’t doing music and I was only people pleasing. There is no greater feeling than feeling free, and I encourage anyone that is stuck to fully invest in themselves and stop listening to the haters,” which translates beautifully into “Going Rouge.”

Izza spilled ALL of the tea to us surrounding her hot new track, as well as even more secrets that you have to keep scrolling to see! Read our full Q&A below, and be sure to let us know what you think of her by either leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post or by sending us a tweet at @celebsecrets.

Want to stay tuned on all things Izza? Connect with her on Instagram @izzaroze and TikTok @izzaroze for updates on all of her exciting new music on the way.

Celeb Secrets: For people who may not know you yet, can you explain your musical style and a little bit about who you are as an artist?

Izza: “I create empowering, high-energy pop music that celebrates being yourself and normalizes vulnerability. My goal as an artist is to inspire people to find their happiness and follow their dreams. I want to create music you can dance to, but it also stands for something. My escape when I was younger was listening to music by artists that made me feel good, so I hope I can be that artist for someone.”

CS: You are a singer, songwriter AND producer – What is it like having so much creative control over your music?

Izza: “It’s the best feeling in the world! I feel like my whole life I was always told what to do, so to now have the freedom of doing whatever I want in life and in music is something I don’t take for granted.”

CS: What does the process look like when you create a song? Are there any quirks to your method?

Izza: “I write all of my songs at home by myself. After I have written a song and started production on it, I’ll take it to my producer and we’ll record and finish the track! I’m always thinking of lyrics and writing them down on my notes app whether I’m in the shower or in the car.”

CS: Your single “Going Rouge” on all music streaming platforms this past Friday (February 10th) – How does it feel knowing that you have even more original music out in the world?

Izza: “This song is really special to me because I feel like it’s the start of a new era in my music career. I finally feel like I found my voice and my sound as an artist, so I can’t wait to share it with the world. I also strongly believe in the message of the song, so I hope it inspires people to be themselves and go rogue!”

CS: Can you tell us a little bit about the meaning/story behind the track?

Izza: “I wrote ‘Going Rogue’ when I decided to take control of my life and not be influenced anymore by the people or things around me. Finding freedom in being myself, even if that meant going against social normalcy, felt like a rebirth and allowed me to unlock my true voice.”

CS: Is there a certain lyric within this song that you’re especially proud of?

Izza: “I love the lyric, ‘I was tired people pleasing, now I’m bad b***h pop singing.’ My whole life I did things to make other people happy and sacrificed my own mental health. I think women especially are taught to be as small as possible, both in the figurative and literal sense. I knew that wasn’t what I was supposed to be and I had something to say. My songs are empowering and I hope they inspire people to be their most authentic selves.”

CS: If listeners can take away one key message from this track, what would you want it to be?

Izza: “Don’t be afraid to go against society to pursue what you love. Be yourself and your truth will set you free.”

CS: What stories do you want to tell through your songs in the future, and what message do you want fans to take away from your music, in general?

Izza: “I try to create fun music that is meaningful because I want to write songs that are high-energy and uplifting, but that also inspire people to follow their dreams and believe in themselves. By writing about my experiences of overcoming the hardships of relationships and self-discovery, I hope to be a voice for people that have maybe lost their confidence or happiness and need someone to remind them that being yourself is more than enough.”

CS: Who/What are some of your musical inspirations either artist-wise or in your personal life?

Izza: “I grew up listening to late 2000s pop artists like Gwen Stefani and Fergie and loved how they worked with hip-hop driven producers like Pharrell Williams and That is an era of music I will always go back to and want to emulate in a 2023 way. I think the combination of upbeat pop dance music and strong and confident hip-hop inspired cadences and lyricism is the recipe for my sound.”

CS: Who is your dream collaboration?

Izza: “I would love to collaborate with BLACKPINK or Lil Nas X. They’re amazing artists and I feel like they would be really fun to work with.”

CS: Is “Going Rouge” part of a bigger project on the way? If so, what can you tease to us?

Izza: “’Going Rogue’ is the first single off my second EP that I plan on releasing in the spring/summertime! I’m so excited to share this music with my fans!”

CS: You are known for being very active on TikTok, and even teasing some new music – How do you think TikTok has contributed to your career?

Izza: “TikTok has changed my life and I have been able to connect with so many of my listeners. During the pandemic when there weren’t live shows, I was able to go on TikTok and perform which was the best way to connect with others. I love performing and I hope I can do more live shows this year.”

CS: How do you think TikTok is impacting the music industry as a whole?

Izza: “TikTok is a great platform to discover new music. I have personally discovered some of my new favorite artists from it, and I think it will continue to open the doors for upcoming musicians.”

CS: You are known for having “bad b***h energy” – How do you get the confidence to be 100% yourself and not care what others think?

Izza: “I think realizing that my happiness is the most important thing to me made me want to do whatever I wanted. I was so sad for so long because I wasn’t doing music and I was only people pleasing. There is no greater feeling than feeling free, and I encourage anyone that is stuck to fully invest in themselves and stop listening to the haters.”

CS: What is the most memorable moment in your musical journey so far?

Izza:Going viral on TikTok for my ‘revenge billboard’ was pretty amazing because I heard so many stories from people about their exes and how they overcame their heartbreak. I love music because it brings together complete strangers from all over the world, and that’s a beautiful thing to me. To be able to do that with my music is truly the most rewarding thing I can do.”

CS: Do you have any goals for yourself in 2023 career-wise?

Izza: “I hope to play more live shows and meet my listeners in person! It’s been so great to connect with people online, but I hope to see their faces very soon.”

CS: Lastly, since we are Celeb Secrets, do you have any secrets about either yourself or your music that fans might not know?

Izza: “I’m releasing a new song every month until my EP comes out, so follow me to stay updated!”

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  • Melanie Rooten

    Originally from Southern California and currently residing in Music City, Melanie graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a BA in Journalism before beginning her career as a music and entertainment journalist. Beginning to work for Celeb Secrets and Celeb Secrets Country as an intern in May of 2022, she has also contributed to Holler, Music Mayhem, Country Now, Country Chord, We Got This Covered and Decider throughout her career thus far. When she is not working, Melanie enjoys going to concerts and music festivals, binging her favorite television shows, spending time with her friends and family and cheering on the Oklahoma Sooners (of course).
