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Where Is Convicted Killer Marybeth Tinning Today?

During her final parole hearing, Abbe Smith, a representative from the Criminal Defense and Prisoner Advocacy Clinic, provided information suggesting Marybeth Tinning changed her ways and deserved to be released. As reported by The Daily Gazette, Smith said the convicted killer "is a different person now." Tinning also spoke on her own behalf during the hearing and freely admitted she killed Tami Lynne but said she does not know why. She also said she didn't mean to kill her infant daughter.

Although Tinning initially confessed to killing three of her children, she later recanted the admission and repeatedly told the parole board she did not harm any of her other children. Former prison superintendent Elaine A. Lord also provided the parole board with a letter in support of Tinning's release and said she believes the former mother "suffered and felt remorse for her crime each and every day."

Tinning's husband Joe was cleared of all wrongdoing amid the investigation into the children's deaths and supported his wife throughout her incarceration. As reported by The Daily Gazette, Joe was waiting for Marybeth upon her release, and they were "happy to be reunited." Following her release, Tinning concentrated on obtaining an identification card and securing health insurance. She has also been working on acclimating to new technology and has closely followed the conditions of her parole to stay out of prison.
