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Who is the richest on Southern Charm? Rumored net worth explored ahead of Season 8 premiere

Southern Charm is set to premiere the first episode of season 8 on June 23, 2022, at 9 P.M ET/PT on Bravo. The richest show member, Charleston Grand Dame Patricia Altschul, with a reported net worth of $50 Million, will make a guest appearance on the show. John Pringle will also join the show in a similar role.

Other wealthy Southern socialites who will appear on the show as the main cast members are - Austen Kroll, Madison LeCroy, Leva Bonaparte, Craig Conover, Kathryn Dennis, Shep Rose, Olivia Flowers, Marcie Hobbs, Taylor Ann Green, Chleb Ravenell, Venita Aspen, and Naomie Olindo.

Richest members on Southern Charm season 8: Know about their extravagant lives

Southern Charm season 8 will air on Thursday with affluent Southern socialites as they "navigate shifting romantic entanglements, chaotic friendships, flourishing businesses, and new parenthood."

Patricia Altschul: $50 Million

American socialite Patricia Altschul's late husband Arthur was a partner at Goldman Sachs Group. After moving to Charleston in 2008, Altschul bought Isaac Jenkins Mikell House for a whopping $4.8 million. In 2014, the iconic house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The businesswoman launched her home decor line, The Patricia Altschul Luxury Collection, in October 2020. She even published her book, The Art of Southern Charm, in 2017.

Shep Rose: $4 million

Born and raised in South Carolina, Shep Rose is the nephew of former South Carolina Department of Public Safety director B Boykin Rose. Apart from him starring on Southern Charm, for which he gets paid $25,000 per episode, the fun-loving ladies' man made money working in real estate. He had also opened a restaurant in Charleston.

Leva Bonaparte: $3 million

Leva Bonaparte has appeared as a guest on previous seasons of the show but joined as a full-time cast member of Southern Charm in Season 7. The mom of a toddler owns several high-end restaurants, bars, and lounges, including Bourbon and Bubbles, along with Republic Garden & Lounge. The couple also owns Republic Development Management Group, creating global destinations for high-end nightlife and culinary experiences.

John Pringle: $1.5 million

John Pringle comes from a multi-generational family commodity business. He is involved in the stock market as an energy trader, he buys and sells energy commodities like oil and gas. As one of the main cast members of season 7 of the show, he earns $25,000 per episode on the show. In season 8, he will be seen in a guest appearance.

The estimated net worth of other cast members of Southern Charm:

  • Austen Kroll - $1 million
  • Madison LeCroy - $1.25 million
  • Craig Conover - $400,000
  • Kathryn Dennis - $800,000
  • Olivia Flowers - $500,000
  • Taylor Ann Green - $250,000
  • Naomie Olindo - $500,000

In the show's premier episode, titled Great Ex-pectations, the members will be back for more drama. The description of the show reads:

“After a tumultuous year, the Charleston crew is back and ready for a fresh start; Kathryn throws herself a 30th birthday party to celebrate another decade and a clean slate with a new man by her side.”

Tune in on Thursday to watch all the new episodes of season 8 of Southern Charm on Bravo with an exciting cast ensemble. The episode will be available on Peacock the following day. Viewers can also watch all previous seasons of the reality show on Peacock or via the Bravo app.

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